How to Amplify Your Fat Burning Hormones To Finally Lose Those Last Few Pounds!

The FREE Guide to Learning About Your Hormones, and Getting Them to Communicate Fat Burning!

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    Aubree Seaman

    RN and Functional Nutrition and Health Coach

    Who am I?

    I am a Mom of 4, and after my last two kids, I thought I was doomed forever with my "Mom-Bod". I had the stubborn "bra-bulge" and "muffin-top" that wouldn't go away no matter how much I starved myself or worked out.

    Then after healing myself naturally and re-educating myself as a Nutrition and Health Coach, I was finally able to see the results I wanted! I want to help you too!

    What will you learn?

    • Why your hormones are out of whack in the first place
    • What your fat burning hormones are, and how to get them working for you rather than against you
    • How to nourish your mind and body with foods and lifestyle habits to help you get your hormones back into balance